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When someone becomes ill and requires an extended hospital stay or prolonged rehabilitation, it can often be a daunting task to keep family and friends updated on the day-to-day condition of their loved one. Patients and family members often spend hours making phone calls and sending emails in order to keep family and friends informed - ultimately repeating the same information over and over. The Family Patient website was created to allow families to post up-to-date information about the condition of their loved ones - in one convenient and easy-to-use location: on the internet.

This is a FREE service - there is no cost to register a patient or to use the Family Patient website.

If you or an immediate family member would like to post Reports on the Family Patient website, you can set up an account by completing the online registration form. After your registration has been submitted, you will be emailed the Account Manager Login, which will allow you to add/update Patient Update Reports. New Reports can be added as often as you wish. A separate Visitor Login will also be sent to you (and to everyone on the list of email addresses you provide), which will allow authorized Visitors access to your Patient's private Reports. For a hands-on demonstration of how it works, check out our Demo Patient.
Family Patient has services available to patients and families who need assistance getting their Reports posted, or who do not have access to an internet connection. Please contact us to find out about these services.

These are Patient Reports that anyone can view - without a Visitor Login. If a Patient chooses to, they can allow their Update Reports to be viewable to the general public. (For reasons of privacy, the public will only see the first name of the Patient when viewing Public Update Reports.) We at Family Patient encourage Patients to allow their Reports to be viewable to the public - we believe that Patient's Update Reports are not only educational, but also heartwarming and inspirational.
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